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FrameBeurk documentation

3. Functioning

The X-ray of Beurky PHP's head shows the main lines of the fonctional structure of FrameBeurk.

3.1. Bootstrap

The first process to be executed -whatever is the entry point, is the calling of the bootstrap. This one runs all preliminary operations for a flawless transaction :

The communication layer with the database must define all the read/update functions used in modules. As of today, the 2 layers included in the framework are front-ends to mysql and mysqli interfaces.

3.2. Controllers

Here, the concept of controller is a little bit different from the one of MVC model. In FrameBeurk, whatever part of a script handling a list, especially to check that an input variable has its value in the list, can claim to be a controller. The main controllers are :

3.2.1. Maj controller

It receives the standard parameters of a Maj action and checks their compatibility with the configuration loaded by the bootstrap. In particular : The type of entity should exist, the Maj code must exist for this entity, the user profile should be authorized to process this action...
When all controls are OK, the PHP code of the action is executed.

3.2.2. Vue Controller

The principle is the same than the previous one. It receives and checks values of the key variables of the requested Vue : The type of entity should exist, the Vue code must exist for this entity, the user profile should be authorized to proceed to this action...
When all controls are OK, the PHP code of the action is executed.

3.2.3. DivPatron Controller

This controller is included in the template once for each div in which dynamic content has to be inserted.
It loops on the list of divs parametered in the configuration file and insert those whose name matches, with their content that can be (1 or more among) : static string, PHP variable, content generated by a Vue or widget.

3.3. Entry points

The entry point of the framework varies depending on the type of the data to be returned (html, rss, css, js) and, for the HTML code, if the full page has to be displayed or only a Vue (with Ajax).

Below, the flowcharts of the different entry points.

3.3.1. index.php and ajax.php

Flowcharts are both the same, except for the template used for the output of the HTML code.
Therefore they share the same diagram :

In case of URI rewriting, the http server has to be set-up to substitute « index.php » or « ajax.php » for « interpreteur.php ». In this case, it is the interpreter that loads the bootstrap.
The purpose of the interpreter is to analyse the rewrited URI to feed the PHP parameters that are usually processed by index.php and ajax.php

3.3.2. css.php

FrameBeurk can handle several style sheets for the same website, that can be chosen by the user or by the configuration.
This script sends in a single file all the css declarations linked to the modules and patron, depending on the selected style.

3.3.3. js.php

All the same, this script sends in one file all javascript declarations of the used modules and patron.

3.3.4. rss.php

This entry point is meant for RSS feed. It does not call Maj controller.

3.4. Maj action

The PHP code of a Maj action will usually contain the following sections :

  • Validation of the data received from the user
  • Reading of the target entity in the data-base (in case of need)
  • Check of the consistency of the requested action
  • Execution of the SQL request concerning the entity
  • Error message or success message about the action

3.5. Vue action

The Vue actions are often more complex than Maj and will be helpfully split in independants parts, tearing apart SQL data-base requests from PHP scripts generating the HTML code.

Vues will be made of series of calling to PHP functions returning the following items :

3.5.1. Query

A query is a PHP function returning a SQL request for reading the data-base, request that can be either a string or an array (see further paragraph « DB Communication layer »).

Queries refering to an entity are gathered in a model file stored in the folder of the entity.

3.5.2. Card

A Card is a PHP function whose purpose is to generate a block of HTML code from the resultSet returned by the execution of a Query. Usually, a card formattes the data of an entity and displays buttons for the Maj actions which are available depending on the status of the entity and the user profile.

Cards refering to an entity are gathered in a helper file stored in the folder of the entity, or upper in the folder of a module if the PHP script may be shared by severeal entities.

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