Welcome to the ToolOscope website

ToolOscope is a business adventure born from a passion for software development and cognitive sciences. ToolOscope offers you products with a significant orientation for language processing. Most of them are developped in Excel-VBA or Web technologies (HTML/CSS/Javascript, PHP/MySQL), but our skills also applies to Mainframe (Cobol/JCL/DB2/IMS/CICS).

Currently, the main project is FrameBeurk -a PHP framework which will revolve around an artificial intelligence kernel, in its next version.

Here are the main softwares that are available :

  • FrameBeurk

    Php framework for the development of internet applications.

  • JCL-Drawer

    Processes JCL code to generate flow-charts.

  • Obfu-VBA

    Obfuscates Excel applications written in VBA language.

  • VBA2DotNet

    Converts into VB.Net the VBA code of your Excel applications.

ToolOscope remains at your disposal should you have any suggestion to improve these products or to create any new tool that would answer your specific needs.

This website uses CSS3. It has a responsive design and it is optimized for up-to-date internet browsers.

HTML5 Powered
Paris, December 20th 2015

ToolOscope SASU is no more...Long live ToolOscope ! The company has ceased trading, but its spirit is still there and the adventure continues on a collaborative form. Sincerely yours, Arnaud.

Paris, January 21th 2015

The documentation of JCL-Drawer v1.04 is now available online. This new release brings the key feature of "scripting" JCL-Drawer, to go faster and further in the reverse-engineering of your JCL.

Paris, March 16th 2014

After many months of sweat, the first consistent version of the PHP alternative framework FrameBeurk -numbered v0.5, sees its tedious documentation online. Without any rest, let's return to work to integrate its essential hypergraph to the next version.

Paris, April 22th 2013

This website is now developed according to the responsive design pattern : Its layout continuously adjusts to fit the media resolution, to offer you the best comfort while visiting it on tablets and smartphones.

Paris, July 27th 2012

Migrate an application from VBA to .Net is not trivial. The VBA2DotNet tool has been designed to make this work easier, including a remarkable feature (unique ?) to migrate VBA userforms.

Paris, August 31th 2011

As a summer homework, I have worked on a simple widget named ShapeNav that searches for character strings used in Excel charts and then navigate through the charts of the workbook.

Paris, May 5th 2011

The release v0.9r06 of Obfu-VBA is stabilized and would deserve to be named v1.0. Its documentation is online. Obfu-VBA : The right solution to protect your VBA code from prying eyes.

Paris, March 27th 2010

You are connected to the site of the brand-new company ToolOscope SASU. Here, you will be able to discover -along with the site growth, products and services that are proposed. The main goal of ToolOscope is the development of tools -simple and convenient, to facilitate IT programmers work and to bring productivity and quality to companies.

Les Glénans

© 2010-2015 by ToolOscope SASU. © 2016-2018 by Arnaud De Rette. All rights reserved