IT Tools


Obfu-VBA is an application whose purpose is to obfuscate -that means incomprehensible the VBA code of your Excel applications that are to be broadcasted.

VBA code of Excel applications is indeed very easy to get, event though the workbook is protected by a password. Obfuscation makes source code very difficult to understand and prevent possibilities of unfair uses.


There are rumors about the end of the support of VBA language on the applications of MS-Office suite, files containing VBA code being subject to (or suspected to) transport malwares.

The simplest alternative solution is the migration to VB.Net applications using MS-Office interoperability libraries. VBA2DotNet helps you to make the conversion of your Excel applications VBA code to VB.Net.

VBA2DotNet also generates the VB.Net designer code of VBA Userforms, which prevents from entering those forms manually again.


While implementing a website using a PHP framework, the developper has to include into his code many labels as constant strings, which have to be translated in order to be displayed in the tongue of the internet user.

TraducTeurk is the tool made to manage the translation of the labels of FrameBeurk modules. It is an Excel application that extracts the labels from the PHP code, gathers them into an Excel worksheet that the developer completes with the translations in the languages handled by the website.

TraducTeurk further generates the catalog files that will be used by FrameBeurk when a user browses the website in a language that is different from the one of the implementation of the modules.


XL2SVG exports Excel drawings in SVG format (Scalable Vector Graphics).

Your drawings once exported can be inserted in HTML documentation, apart from Excel. Names of items are shown in clear in the SVG source (and not on an image), and therefore are available for search engines.


The search for character strings used in Excel charts is not currently possible out-of-the-box.

ShapeNav is a simple widget that finds a text present in Excel charts, and let the user navigate to the previous/next searched shape, on the current worksheet or on the other sheets of the workbook.


JCL-Drawer makes automatic flowcharts from scripts written in JCL (Job Control Language).

JCL-Drawer can be parametrized to interpret as fairly as possible the JCL code and perform meaningful flowcharts. JCL scripts can be processed by package (generation, printing, export to SVG format).

An experimental batch mode is being developed in order to execute JCL-Drawer as a script.

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