FrameBeurk documentation

7. Actual modules

Here is an overview of what bring the modules that are present in the .zip file of FrameBeurk. (For precise and detailled informations, nothing is better than looking at the source code)

7.1.  Beurk

Module Beurk does not define any entity, but comes along :

7.2. Kom1

Module Kom1 gathers features shared with other modules :

7.3. Uzers

This crucial module brings the management of user, group and permission entities, and a login widget for the logging of the user.

7.3.1. Users

Users are created either by an administrator or by the users themselves in the way of a forum. A new registered person receives at his/her personal address an e-mail containing a link to activate his/her account.

At the installation of the module, 2 users are created :

7.3.2. Groups

Groups are used in 1st place to associate a permission to several users at the same time. A user can be linked to one or more groups. At the installation of the module, 2 groups are created :

7.3.3. Permissions

Permissions are used to authorise or forbid the execution of Maj or Vue actions, for a type of entities, in a given perimeter. Example : Forbid « cree Sujet » in « Section 7 ».

A permission can be associated to several groups. These are the Maj and Vue controllers that check the permissions of requested actions before letting them proceed, IF these actions have been configured to use permissions. This feature brings contrains on the data base requests that should be properly prepared :

This permission management feature has been developped with performance in mind, uses the minimum of SQL requests and stores the results in PHP session, until logoff (or login) of the user.

As of today, the interface for entering permissions does not check that the combinations of actions, entities and Ids make sense.

7.4. Rhum

Module Rhum implements a simple forum with the following entities :

All actions of Rhum use permissions. It is therefore possible to restrain access or updates to some groups.

7.5. Zeek

Zeek is an embryonic module destined to manage music. For now, it only contains a player widget, using Dewplayer if Flash is activated, or HTML5 tag Audio if not.
This player, placed at the top of the page or in the side menu, will not be stopped during Ajax browsing.

Module Zeek serves as an example at chapter « Implementing ».

7.6. Zenpa (template)

Zenpa is the only template (Patron) delivered with FrameBeurk. It brings :

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