JCL-Drawer : JCL code examples and generated flowcharts

We present to you 9 test jobs to let you size up JCL-Drawer features and check the generated flowcharts. These 9 jobs, gathered in a single file (about 800 lines), are processed all at once, in 1 minute or so running on a common performance desktop computer.

Each diagram is generated in an Excel workbook, on a worksheet named after the job. The user benefits from all Excel features regarding the handling of drawings : filling them up, using copy-pasting to other applications, printing, exporting in HTML format...

In addition to that, JCL-Drawer includes an export facility for the diagram in SVG format (Scalable Vector Graphics) -a free format specified by the W3C, handled by main browsers (*).

For each job, you will find JCL source code on the left, a screen-shot of Excel worksheet to the right, and the SVG export of the full flowchart underneath. Here is the list of the jobs with their noticeable points :

JOBTST01 Handling of a high size sysin as parameter of a step.
JOBTST02 Sysins and DSN on the same DD cards.
JOBTST03 Sequence of 3 steps (output DSN = input DSN of the next step).
JOBTST04 Step with about twenty input DSN and as many output.
JOBTST05 Handling of IF/THEN/ELSE conditions.
JOBTST06 Detection of a PROC parameter as program name or program executed by IKJEFT1B.
JOBTST07 Handling of comments ; input and output DD detected with patterns of names.
JOBTST08 Handling of DATA ; large width sysin as input of a step.
JOBTST09 Handling of instream PROC; IDCAMS, IEBGENER, IEBCOPY, ICETOOL utilities.

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